When is the right time to ask for help?

When is the right time to talk to someone?

When is the right time to find a therapist?

These are questions you may have asked yourself. I’ve had many clients who have said they thought a lot about reaching out to a therapist, but never did until it was ultimately their last option.

For whatever reason, we all talk ourselves out of certain things. Therapy is one of them. Often we don’t want to be a burden or we don’t want to be judged. I am here to let you know that my job is to listen, help, and support you. There is no judgement. Therapy is a space to be heard and a place of peace.

Therapy does not have to be the last option, when you are dealing with any situation. Now is the time. Learn to tackle your dilemmas before they grow. Learn to have a voice. Learn to cope. Learn to love yourself. Learn to balance. Learn to heal.

Therapists are listeners. Therapists are teachers. Therapists are supportive. Therapists are non-judgmental. Therapists are here to help. We don’t have all of the answers, but we can definitely be a sounding board to help you navigate through life.

Take a chance. Be hopeful.